Source code for randomsdss.randomsdss

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of the RandomSDSS Project
# Copyright (c) 2021, Martin Chalela
# License: MIT
# Full Text:

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"""Generate random points within SDSS DR8 to DR16 footprint."""

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from functools import wraps

import attr

import numpy as np

from pymangle import Mangle

from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

from .data import PLY_PATH

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[docs]class PolygonNotFoundError(FileNotFoundError): """Raised when the .ply file doesn't exists.""" pass
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # FUNCTIONS # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def validate_path(method): """Check the requested catalog is available.""" @wraps(method) def wrapper(dr, catalog): if not (dr in PLY_PATH.keys()): raise ValueError( f"There is no polygon file for data release {dr}." ) if not (catalog in PLY_PATH[dr].keys()): raise ValueError( f"There is no polygon file for catalog {catalog} in {dr}." ) return method(dr, catalog) return wrapper @validate_path def polygon_path(dr, catalog): """Return polygon path. Parameters ---------- dr: str Data Release name: e.g DR16. catalog: str Catalog name within the specified data release: e.g. BOSS. Return ------ path: pathlib.Path Object representig the path. """ path = PLY_PATH.get(dr).get(catalog) return path def get_polygon(dr, catalog): """Return pymangle polygon object. Parameters ---------- dr: str Data Release name: e.g DR16. catalog: str Catalog name within the specified data release: e.g. BOSS. Return ------ mangle: pymangle.Mangle Mangle instance with the polygon information. """ path = polygon_path(dr, catalog) if not path.exists(): raise PolygonNotFoundError( f"Polygon file not found. Should be at {path}." ) return Mangle(str(path)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # CLASSES # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Base class for all Data Releases
[docs]@attr.s class DR: """Base Data Release class. Parameters ---------- dr: str Data Release name: e.g DR16. catalog: str Catalog name within the specified data release: e.g. BOSS. """ dr = attr.ib() catalog = attr.ib() def __attrs_post_init__(self): """Call get_polygon here to ensure self is instantiated.""" self.mangle_ = get_polygon(self.dr, self.catalog) @property def area(self): """Get the area of the catalog.""" return self.mangle_.area @property def npoly(self): """Get the number of polygons.""" return self.mangle_.npoly @property def weights(self): """Array of polygons weights.""" return self.mangle_.weights
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): """Set new weights for polygons. Parameters ---------- weight: float or numpy.ndarray Poligons weights. """ if np.size(weights) == 1: weights = np.full(self.npoly, weights) self.mangle_.weights = weights
[docs] def sky_random(self, size): """Generate random RA, DEC points. Parameters ---------- size: int Number of random points to generate. Returns ------- ra: numpy.ndarray Right Ascension in degrees. dec: numpy.ndarray Declination in degrees. """ return self.mangle_.genrand(size)
[docs] def box_random(self, ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max, size): """Generate random RA, DEC points within a box. Parameters ---------- ra_min: float Right Ascension lower bound in degrees. ra_max: float Right Ascension upper bound in degrees. dec_min: float Declination lower bound in degrees. dec_max: float Declination upper bound in degrees. size: int Number of random points to generate. Returns ------- ra: numpy.ndarray Right Ascension in degrees. dec: numpy.ndarray Declination in degrees. """ return self.mangle_.genrand_range( size, ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max )
[docs] def contains(self, ra, dec): """Check if point is inside the catalog area. Parameters ---------- ra: numpy.ndarray Right Ascension in degrees. dec: numpy.ndarray Declination in degrees. Returns ------- bool: True if inside, False otherwise. """ return self.mangle_.contains(ra, dec)
[docs] def polyid_and_weight(self, ra, dec): """Get polygon id and weight of input point. Parameters ---------- ra: numpy.ndarray Right Ascension in degrees. dec: numpy.ndarray Declination in degrees. Returns ------- pid: numpy.ndarray Polygon id. -1 if outside of catalog area. weight: numpy.ndarray Poligon weight. 0 if outside of catalog area. """ return self.mangle_.polyid_and_weight(ra, dec)
[docs] def polyid(self, ra, dec): """Get polygon id of input point. Parameters ---------- ra: numpy.ndarray Right Ascension in degrees. dec: numpy.ndarray Declination in degrees. Returns ------- pid: numpy.ndarray Polygon id. -1 if outside of catalog area. """ return self.mangle_.polyid(ra, dec)
[docs] def weight(self, ra, dec): """Get polygon weight of input point. Parameters ---------- ra: numpy.ndarray Right Ascension in degrees. dec: numpy.ndarray Declination in degrees. Returns ------- weight: numpy.ndarray Poligon weight. 0 if outside of catalog area. """ return self.mangle_.weight(ra, dec)
# One class for each Data Relese def subclass_as(name): """Shortcut to create subclasses of DR. Parameters ---------- name: str Data Release name: e.g DR16. Return ------ DR: randomsdss.DR Subclass object of DR with the specified data release. """ attrib_dict = { "dr": attr.ib(default=name, init=False, repr=False), "catalog": attr.ib(default="SDSS"), } return attr.make_class(name, attrib_dict, bases=(DR,)) DR8 = subclass_as("DR8") DR9 = subclass_as("DR9") DR10 = subclass_as("DR10") DR11 = subclass_as("DR11") DR12 = subclass_as("DR12") DR13 = subclass_as("DR13") DR14 = subclass_as("DR14") DR15 = subclass_as("DR15") DR16 = subclass_as("DR16") # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # RANDOMS # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def _random_from_pdf(pdf, x_grid, size, seed=None): """Generate random numbers from a Probability Distribution Function.""" cdf = np.cumsum(pdf) cdf /= cdf[-1] # randoms rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) urand = rng.random(size) bins = np.searchsorted(cdf, urand) return x_grid[bins]
[docs]def z_random(z, size=10_000, weights=None, seed=None): """Generate random redshift values following the input distribution. This function uses scipy.stats.gaussian_kde to compute the Probability Density Distribution (PDF). Parameters ---------- z: numpy.ndarray Redhisft sample to generate a PDF and extract random points. size: int Number of random points to generate. weights: numpy.ndarray Weigths of each redshift value to compute a weigthed PDF. seed: int Set random seed. Return ------ z_rand: numpy.ndarray Random redshifts. """ z_grid = np.linspace(z.min(), z.max(), size) kde = gaussian_kde(z, weights=weights) pdf = kde(z_grid) z_rand = _random_from_pdf(pdf, z_grid, size, seed) return z_rand
[docs]def sky_random(dr="DR16", catalog="SDSS", size=10_000): """Generate random RA, DEC values within the specified DR and catalog. Parameters ---------- dr: str Data Release name: e.g DR16. catalog: str Catalog name within the specified data release: e.g. BOSS. size: int Number of random points to generate. Return ------ ra: numpy.ndarray Right Ascension in degrees. dec: numpy.ndarray Declination in degrees. """ ply = DR(dr=dr, catalog=catalog) ra, dec = ply.sky_random(size) return ra, dec